Cesar San Miguel Cesar San Miguel

Joining the dojo

Every dojo has its own interpretation and expression of Aikido, and for some that includes self-defense. While we are interested in developing effective technique, self-defense and general combat applicability are not our focus. The working definition of Aikido that we use is: a martially based physical practice by which we cultivate our ability to maintain our integrity and compassion in the midst of conflict.

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Cesar San Miguel Cesar San Miguel

Introducing- A Culture of Care

I want to be part of a community that cares for all its members including those with weakened immune systems, disabilities, or illnesses that make one especially vulnerable to COVID and other sicknesses. When we step onto the mat we agree to take care of one another.  As we know, taking care of uke is about more than just not breaking wrists, just as Aikido isn’t just about what we do on the mat. Aikido is about taking care of everyone we meet, to the best of our ability, throughout our lives.

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